For your consideration is this magnificent Blades of Light Lemurian from La Belleza, Santander, Colombia. These crystals are stunningly beautiful and perfect. They are so prismatic that it is like holding a rainbow in your hand. Personally speaking, I have never before held a more perfect crystal than the ones from this batch. They literally render me speechless as I gaze at them in awe. I feel that the Brazilian Lemurians I carry hold the heart and soul of Lemuria and that these Colombian Lemurians are the tools of Lemuria. The energy of these crystals is uplifting, inspiring and undeniably powerful. These are also singing crystals meaning they emit a high pitched tone when handled or come in contact with other crystals.
The Blades of Light Lemurian crystal pictured is the one you will receive. This one is a Channeler having a 7 sided main face and 3 sided face opposite of the main face. It is and Yin Yang Devic Temple with a future timelink, a window, a self healed base, deeply etched Akashic Lines and is extremely optical and prismatic. This one is a Starbrary with beautiful glyphs correlating to the constellation of Leo (the Data Collectors). This Blade of Light Lemurian quartz crystal measures approximately 3.7 inches long and weighs 109 grams.
Lemurian crystals facilitate a connection with the Divine Feminine, unification of the soul, access to knowledge and wisdom of ancient Lemuria. Links one with the healing qualities of Lemurian awareness. Supports overcoming spiritual loneliness and/or depression. Awakens multiple gifts of empathic and intuitive consciousness.
Chakras: Crown (7) Soul Star (8)